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Dinner’s on Us

Sep 28, 2023 | Blog

Four Thousand Meals


That’s what OPM’s September contributions will provide to hungry youth in Toledo thanks to dollar-for-dollar matching from local program sponsors.


It’s not enough.



September is Hunger Action Month


With only two days left in their Hunger Action Month campaign, Connecting Kids to Meals raised $1,900 of their $170,000 goal. That’s 1% of their forecasted need.


One percent.


We get it. Money is tight. Inflation is high. But if none of us have missed a meal this year, we are doing okay. Please consider donating today or tomorrow.


Even the smallest contribution can help.


During the campaign, a single dollar donation can provide four meals to children who may not have access to food other than school lunches.



Zero Hunger


Sustainable communities begin with residents having their basic needs met. Food, clean water, clothing, and shelter must come before learning and working have a fighting chance.


Concentration, test scores, sleep, and behavior issues are all negatively impacted when children go hungry. You can help.



Donate Today


Connecting Kids to Meals provides an average of 2,500 after school meals in Toledo each day. Each year there are 13,000-15,000 children relying on their support.


How about joining us in saying:


Tonight, dinner’s on us.

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